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Mt Tam & Caviar Pairing

Posted by Cowgirl Creamery on
Mt Tam & Caviar Pairing

Enjoy caviar, the cowgirl creamery way. Salty chips, topped with a small wedge of creamy Mt. Tam and a little sprinkle of premium American white sturgeon caviar. Pair this platter with a bottle of Taittinger champagne. 


2-3 cups potato chips, preferably the Jose Andre brand
1 (3 oz) container of premium American white sturgeon caviar
1 (3 oz container of Golden Osetra caviar
1 (7 oz) wheel of Mt Tam
1/4 cup finely chopped chives
1 750 ml bottle Taittinger Champagne


1. Remove the wheel of Mt Tam, 30-45 minutes before serving to allow the cheese to come to serving temperature.

2. Place 1-2 cups of ice into two separate bowls. Place each jar of caviar on top of the ice and place onto a serving board.

3. Fill a third bowl with potato chips and a small bowl with chopped chives. Serve with chilled champagne.

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